sábado, 13 de noviembre de 2021

Tribute to Juan Manuel Fangio Day 2 Transfer of Remains to the Fangio Museum and VIP Lunch at The Juan Manuel Fangio Racetrack

 The second day of the tribute started at the Balcarce Cemetery to transport the remains to the new mausoleum at the Fangio Museum where they will rest. Escorted by Police Motorcycles they tour the school, workshops and places he used to live followed by a caravan of cars from the museum and car clubs. Once at the Museum, a ceremony was held and Sir Jackie Stewart gave an emotional speech. 

A Lunch followed at the Fangio racetrack for special guests.

Balcarce Cementery 

Ruben Fangio y Sir Jackie Steward

The Fangio Museum

Navy Marching Band

Ruben Fangio 

Fangio Racetrack

Asado Argentina Style

Monica Testoni y Tomas Albano

The Lunch

Sir Jackie Steward complementary words

The 84 hour Nurbrungring winning Torino

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